A Good Pantry To Get in Shape

A good buy assures us have a pantry full of healthy food to keep us in the form of an appropriate and appetizing.

Bread. You can buy print or ask you to cut it into slices. Perfect for a power breakfast and quick to prepare high-fiber menus. Even you with vegetables or nuts, ideal for a snack.

Pasta and rice. Perfect for salads healthy and nutritious, and ideal for healthy eating carbohydrates the day you go to the gym (the energy will burn). These pastas are better than those made with refined flour (no fiber), and brown rice has properties very beneficial to your body and your gut (even helps to prevent allergies). Experts say even that whole foods help prevent diseases like cancer.

Mary crackers or type. The former are an ideal snack to take mid-afternoon (3 or 4) with a piece of fruit. The graham crackers are lower in calories, recommended by nutritionists for slimming diets. Better than any industrial bun.

Canned low in calories. Tuna in olive oil or natural, mackerel, mackerel, etc. In natural preserves to yourself you can add oil to control the amount and are perfect for adding to a salad, a sandwich or take a snack. There are also low in salt, ideal if you have problems with hypertension or retain fluid.

Smoked. Salmon, cod, mackerel, etc. Sandwiches are delicious vegetables to bread. An easy option and perfect for eating fish.

Fruits and vegetables. Will the star ingredients and fitting all your menus. There should be without one. For dessert and a snack, fresh fruit is the best option. Vegetables are essential for your body, so try to add to your dishes. Remember that corn is high in calories (typically carry added sugar). Carrots also best raw, as cooked twice the calories. If you produce gas fresh fruit, try applesauce, are highly digestible and you want to remove the sweet.

Cheese and skim milk. The mini can find fresh cheeses are ideal for packaged salads. The yogurts are a good choice for dessert, snack or preparing light sauces. Yoghurt, milk and soy formulas are also a very nutritious and healthy choice for your menus. With you can prepare delicious seitan veggie burgers.

Legumes. Include them at least twice in your weekly menu (either at home or office). They are one of the most beneficial foods for the body because it contains fiber, minerals and amino acids. They are low in calories, give you energy and take away the hunger for hours. Discover them in salads. Beans are one of the most unknown and vegetables more digestible.

. Your greatest allies in preparing salads, complete meals and a snack between meals. Keep a bag in the workplace and uses them when you feel faint. Of course, more natural, roasted increase your calories and are indigestible. Discover the natural dates, chestnuts (less heat) and Brazilian coconuts. If you do not drink milk, are mandatory in your diet because of its high calcium content.

Teas and other beverages. Get a mini thermos and take your tea prepared and sweetened with saccharin, will take away the hunger, you hydrate and bring you many benefits. If you can not drink exciting, try the forest roi without protein. Teas such as chamomile, peppermint or pennyroyal should not miss you at the office. If you can not preparártelo, bebeidas opt for tea without added sugar in the market.

But not everyone, but with the maximum amount of cocoa, ie black. You will help save the moments of anxiety and need for low-calorie sugar aportándote (takes one to two ounces).

Source Terra.es

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